Sale Receipt Printer (SP298MD42-G GRY) Online now

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Description Receipt Printer (SP298MD42-G GRY)

One of our android warehouse assistants recently made off with a shipment of SP298MD42-G GRY by StarTech. We contacted Tyrell Corporation, and they assured us the unit would self-terminate after a short time. Ultimately, we were able to retrieve the missing goods, though the loss of the android did seem particularly hard on a couple of the warehouse guys.

Reports that this item belonged formerly to a Mr. Wiggin are patently false (It’s New). It is theoretically possible, however, that he designed it off-world some time in the far distant future and beamed the schematics back through time (and space) via tachyon transmission. Unlikely – yes, but *possible*.

Although we don’t possess the clairvoyance of the Kwisatz Haderach (the spacing guild cut off our melange supplies eons ago – probably for the best), we’re still eager to assist with any questions you may have. If we don’t know the answer, we’ll check with our resident Mentat.

Ah, well. That’s about enough rambling out of us. Feel free to look around – we’re here if you need us (or a StarTech SP298MD42-G GRY)! Receipt Printer (SP298MD42-G GRY)

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